This project has received funding from the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under Grant Agreement (GA) N° #607798

To make sure everyone is on
the same page and all needed
functionalities are described
and the data collection
evaluation coordinator (lead)
practitioner coordinator
technical coordinatotrial
trial owner

In a nutshell

What this step
is about

The trial integration meeting (TIM) aligns the perspectives of the practitioners, solution providers and trial committee. To draft the later trial script, the participants discuss the integration of solutions into the practitioners’ operations, the required information exchange as well as the data collection and evaluation criteria to address the trial objectives.

In depth

All you need to know
about this step

This will be the first physical meeting with all solution providers, the test-bed technical infrastructure and CM practitioners. So use the time for the following: make sure people understand each others needs - CM practitioners need to understand the solution - solution providers need to understand the CM gaps/processes/needs. Based on the baseline and the solution functionalities, you can define solution use cases. Those will be transferred to the Innovation Line. This is the base on which you can discuss data exchange - both with practitioners and test-bed technical infrastructure (what data & how). Be aware of measurements and your evaluation approach!


Interviews, discussion, process mapping,
societal impact assessment, research ethics


Clear definition of practitioner and
solution needs, innovation-line,
data integration plan, scenario input

  • Initial list of external stakeholders made
  • Advanced draft baseline ready
  • Draft innovation line prepared
  • Draft data integration plan among solution providers and test-bed technical infrastructure personnel created
  • Draft solution interaction plan created
  • Usecases per solution and key event formulated
  • Preliminary data collection plan and evaluation approach checked for feasability 
  • As this is the first physical working meeting between solution providers and the the trial committee, make sure legal issues relevant for the cooperation (e.g. NDA) are covered. If a SIA was not carried out during the solution selection process, this is a good time to do it.