and assess the solutions
within their specific contexts
trial owner
In a nutshell
What this step
is about
The data you gathered and already analysed now needs to be put into the right context. This is the point in time where you need your three-dimensional approach and see how your gap has been addressed and what more needs to be done to answer your research questions.
In depth
All you need to know
about this step
There you are now, having a lot of high-quality, visualised data and some preliminary conclusions. At this point you want the wisdom of the crowd - your practitioners. Gather them once more and discuss your findings. Present them first without your own conclusions. Let’s see what their
conclusions are.
Ask them:
- What stands out? What results are remarkable?
- Did you expect these results? Why or why not?
- What are possible explanations for these results? Put them in relation to each of your three dimensions! Maybe one solution’s functionality could not be used, because there was a shortage of fish at the trial location. (Means: There can be trial dimension related reasons explaining a CM dimension-related finding, of which you initially thought it would be within the solution dimension.)
- What can you conclude based on these results? (Think here about your initial gaps and trial objectives. Have you bridged your gap? At least partly?)
- Are the results transferable to other teams/ contexts? Why or why not?
- What advice would you provide about the solution? Did it address your gaps as expected? Why or why not?
Sense-making, discussion,
physical meeting, societal
impact assessment, research ethics
Analysed data
Valid conclusions concerning
your gaps, objectives etc.
- Checked whether KPI/metric threshholds have been met
- Identified patterns and remarkable data
- Put those into context (checked the relation of every dimension towards this)
- Compared conclusions to gaps
- Formulated whether gap has been closed or not
- Review on solutions formulated and discussed with solution provider
- Take ethical and legal issues into account (e.g. anonymisation etc.)