circumstances for your Trial
in which the gap occurs
practitioner coordinator
evaluation coordinator
technical coordinator
CM practitioners
In a nutshell
What this step
is about
Your trial context gives you lots of opportunities to come up with a specific trial scenario. The scenario is dependent on different things: gaps, available practitioners (number, role within organisation etc.), available facilities & equipment. You need to write a distinct scenario in the same way you would write a script for an exercise - who does what, when, where, with what equipment. In other words: In which special situation do you want to face your gap? Think of this while choosing and selecting solutions.

In depth
All you need to know
about this step
You know your gaps and in which trial context they appear. Now you also know when (summer, winter etc.) and where (indoor/outdoor) you want to have your trial. Also, you have an idea of whom you need (bronze, silver, gold level/ personnel from other organisations/ IT staff) and their availability restrictions. All this information has an impact on the formulation of the scenario - you have to pick a specific line of action, based on the prerequisites identified before.
So start writing down all those side-restrictions (look at your trial context template) and brainstorm about the roles and responsibilities you need for conducting your trial.
Then think of the specific situation you need to create in order to trigger your gap. Which roles are involved, which equipment do they use, what are they doing with it? Bounded in space and time in which your gap occurs. Write down what has to happen to trigger this event.
By doing this, you approach your gaps from a different perspective. This is important to when selecting innovative solutions. Only if you know in which situations you face your gap can you identify what kind of solution is needed.
Brainstorming & screenplay writing,
baseline, societal impact assessment,
research ethics
Trial guidance tool, whiteboard,
sticky notes, trial management tool,
trial action plan, knowledge base,
portfolio of solutions
- Key events of each gap clearly stated
- Triggering conditions and injects per key event identified and written down
- Roles and actions needed for key events identified
- Key events combined with a conclusive storyline
- Injects prepared to trigger the needed key events
- Your scenario might touch upon sensitive topics (e.g. CBRNe or triage). Look up and consult available ethics guidelines (e.g. for CBRNe security or data protection) and integrate ethical considerations into the scenario from the onset.
- Consider if there are legal implications for the scenario chosen, or whether it can have negative societal impacts.