innovative sociotechnical
practitioner coordinator
evaluation coordinator
technical coordinator
CM practitioners
solution providers
In a nutshell
What this step
is about
Depending whether the set of potential solutions is known or not, the length of the solution selection process can vary greatly. Once a potential set of solutions is found, the process consists of two tasks. The first task is to execute a practitioner-centered review of the solution itself. Here you can make use of preassessment criteria developed by multi-disciplinary CM practitioners. Once the reviews are finished, the whole TC can run the actual selection of the solutions, which includes also further trial-related considerations, like the relation to gaps or the requirements on the technical side.

In depth
All you need to know
about this step
You aim to close your gap with a socio-technical solution. This can be a piece of hard- or software, a training course, a new procedure or a mixture of them. It is important that you find something that is actually promising to improve the current situation.
The first task refers is to get a first impression by potential future users. Ask the solution provider to answer the following questions in order to assess the fittingness to your needs:
1. Mission: How does the solution contribute tocrisis management?
2. Integration: How is it integrated into the existing crisis management operations?
3. Readiness: How mature is the solution and has it been tested or proved?
4. Motivation: How does the solution address problems of practitioners?
5. References: Which references on solution application exist?
In order to get prepared for the next step, you can optionally ask for the required resources and know-how to use the application, some technical specifications as well as the investment costs needed to deploy the solution. In order not to overload the solution provider the length of the answers should be limited properly (e.g. two pages in total). Once you have collected the answers you should include the potential users, the CM practitioners, to ask them for a feedback, whether the solution sounds promising or not. The results are to be discussed in the TC in order to conclude which solutions appear to be promising to address the gaps. This discussion can be supported by considering the following questions:
1. Can the solution be used to address the initial gap and to provide an answer to the main research question of the trial?
2. Is the solution provider able to provide an appropriate training so that potential end-users can apply the solution in the trial?
3. Does the solution require special technical setup in order to be trialled and is the technical test-bed infrastructure able to fulfil them?
4. Is the solution provider willing and able to participate and contribute to the trial-related tasks and meetings?
It is recommended to organise a physical or virtual meeting with the TC and the solution providers, where those questions should be carefully explained and discussed. However, the final decision should be concluded within the TC and communicated shortly after the meeting. In case one solution is not selected, it is important to provide a proper answer so that the solution provider gets a better understanding of the reasoning decision.
Solution selection process,
innovation line, societal impact assessment,
research ethics
Website, physical meeting, solutions,
trial host infrastructure (espcially wifi),
CM taxonomy, trial action plan, trial guidance tool,
knowledge base, portfolio of solutions
Trial context & gaps
- Needed solution functionalities for closing the gap identified
- Solution selection process followed
- Solution review issued
- Preselection finalised
- Solution demonstration meeting held
- Solution selection agreed upon within thee trial committee
- Agreed with solution provider on terms of participation in a trial
- Carry out a Societal Impact Assessment (SIA) on the chosen solutions. Identify and follow up on potential legal or ethics issues relating to the use of the solutions (e.g. use of tweets).